Blueprint is crafted by Innerfusion.
We work hard, know our domain by decades of experience, and love the details and sophistication our customers cherish and demand. Our team consists of software architects, software designers and developers, experts from nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy, and advisors from different fields. Together we craft Blueprint as Innerfusion.

Our mission & vision
"To get the isotope facility and radiopharmacy production process to industry 5.0"
Our vision:
- To have a turn-key integrated software solution for every process aspect of the isotope facility and radiopharmacy, which is used by all clinical centres and hospitals worldwide.
- Whenever a new or updated isotope facility or radiopharmacy is needed, Blueprint is there to connect all the devices and dots.
- Blueprint makes paperwork a thing of the past, and it makes sure regulatable tasks are automated.
- It provides the customers zero defects in the production process.